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How Long Are Cats Pregnant

How Long Are Cats Pregnant

Malik Arslan1186 04-Feb-2020

Cats become pregnant very quickly. The pregnancy usually happens when the queen (the female cat) come in heat. The process of heat in cats happen generally many times in a year and is frequently occur in spring to autumn season. Typically, the pregnancy in cats lasts between 60-65 days. The queen becomes mature enough to get pregnant at the age of 4-6 months of age. It is thus recommended to get the queen neuter to prohibit the increment in the cat’s population close to the age of maturity.


The season of heat means that when a queen is in the period of peak fertility or when the chances are more for the cat to become pregnant. The cats after maturity, come to the season of heat once in every three weeks. Thus, there are several chances for cats to be pregnant.

As mentioned above, the pregnancy in cats last between 60-65 days, but it is still challenging to know how long a cat remain pregnant. The cat remained pregnant for a shorter period of 60 days to a more extended period of 72 days.

The cat does not show any sign of pregnancy until and unless she enters into the few weeks of pregnancy. The first observation may get notice after 15-18 days of pregnancy when the nipples of the cat become enlarged and reddish. This redness of nipples is known as “Pinking-up”.

 The cat may start vomiting during the gestation period. After the redness of the nipples, the belly of the cat become swollen, but there are many signs of tummy swelling so that cautions for other illnesses too like in worm’s infestation.

There will be a rise in the weight of the cat during the gestation period along with elevated appetite.


Redness of nipples

Increase of the bodyweight

Swelling of the abdomen

Beginning of purr in the cat

The drop in temperature is the 1st sign of labour

Stage 1 - Pre-implantation (from Days 0 – 12) Egg fertilization:

This is a stage when the fertilisation takes place in the uterine tube. From uterine tube, it moves to the oviduct and then to the uterus on the 6th day of development.

Stage 2 – Embryogenesis (Day 12 – 24) critical period: the nervous system, heart and the spin take place in the second stage of the pregnancy. The blood vessels occur within the embryo and between the fetus and the placenta. After these, liver, digestive tract, respiratory system, limbs skull, and bladder develop.

Stage 3 - Fetal growth (Day 24 to Birth) rapid growth period:

The organs start taking their proper shape, development of nerves occurs, and the hormonal glands start to perform their function, and they start controlling the process. The event even continues after the birth and the nerves in the brain cell take several months to develop. The last few signs of the pregnancy are pear-shaped belly, fetal movements during the last two weeks of gestation. The breast enlargement with milky fluid in the nipples are other signs of fertility of the last stage. A clear to blood-tinged discharge from vulva 12-24 hours before the birth takes place.


The following methods can confirm the pregnancy diagnosis.

The enlargement and the pinkish colour of the mammary glands.


Palpation of the uterus, fetus, and fetal membranes.

X-rays of the abdomen


The cat during the gestation period likes to spend more time alone in a quiet place and will prefer to have more sleep during the pregnancy so decrease the energy levels. The reduced activity and more rest in their beds are regular during the gestation period of cats.


There should include a proper health check-up for the cat during the gestation period. The examination should be against fleas, lice and ticks to keep the cat free from these pests. The medications should be only used as and when required with minimal effects on both kitten’s and queen’s health.


Do have an early pregnancy examination by a vet.

Do have a proper health examination for lice, fleas, and ticks

Feed cat kitten food till she is doing nursing.

Increase the feeding of the cat during the gestation period of the cat.

Place a relaxed birthing box in a warm area about two weeks before the delivery.


Avoid touching the cat’s belly during the gestation period as it may cause abortion or damage to the kittens.

Avoid loud worming after two weeks of pregnancy.

Prohibit to avoid birthing procedure except there are any problems.

Lina, DVM

Ask a Vet Online for Free

Updated 04-Feb-2020
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